my take: I very much enjoyed John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars, so when I saw this at Target I decided to see what else Mr. Green had up his sleeve. This, too, is young adult coming of age story: high school students with a bit of a (mis-matched) love story thrown in.

The road trip scene is very funny … Mr. Green got into the spirit of impulsive/lacking-frontal lobe high schoolers. There was a touch of mystery. A touch of high school hijinks. Very high school-y.

Overall, a bit of a let-down after the high of Fault, but a read I think many would enjoy….just minus all the Fault tears.

my source: Target … I know, shameful. They have a pretty well-chosen selection. Hey! I’d like to have that job if I can’t get the Costco gig.

my verdict: good-not-great young adult