my take: One of my life skills classes is about friendship – which is a more universal relationship talk for the ladies than, say, male/female romances or parenting. This book will be a great resource for enhancing that talk … categories, ways of meeting people, evaluating one’s own role in current friendships… I underlined a lot.

Author Rachel seemed a little obsessed with friendship – and she kind of needed to be in order to do 52 friend dates in a year. Sometimes it seemed exhausting just reading it – I’m mostly an extrovert – but, wow, that was a lot of being with people. Rachel not only enlarged her circle of friends in a new city, but became more adventurous and more confident as a result.

There are a few times in one’s life when one needs new friends – this informative and fun read is a great resource and inspiration for planting and growing new relationships.

my source: suggested by daughter Anne – who maybe needs to read again in her new city

my verdict: very helpful book for expanding friendship circles