my take: My friend Nancy allows her children an “eat whatever you want day” shortly after school gets out. (My son has joined occasionally – a can of whip cream is involved and usually a stomach ache). So when I saw this title at Target, I was instantly drawn to it. Plus it has a bright, cheery cover.

What I didn’t read was the subtitle: and other small acts of liberation.  I selected it off my shelf on a day when I needed total and complete escape from my life. I loved the first chapter. and then the second chapter was a new story. Ugh! Short stories. I wanted to get lost in a novel! iI needed a novel! And, as I was at the cottage without a back up, I pressed on.

Each chapter is a different short story, and as I progressed I kept thinking, “iIll blog that this one is the best.” And then there was another best one. And another. And I was completely lost for the entire afternoon in this lovely collection of stories. (And wished that I’d written even just one of them.)

Be forewarned: anyone sitting by you on the beach, porch, or in bed will be hearing you read many lines aloud. I read the entire last chapter to my hubby.

This colorful cast of characters made me laugh, made me cry, and I’m pretty sure i came away a better person.

my source: Target browsing and prior knowledge of Elizabeth Berg

my verdict: Great escape reading. Especially nice with a bag of chips and a couple of drinks. People magazine says to offer it up to book clubs (and serve chocolate) … I think it would be fun to talk about, but with 14 different stories I wonder how it would go …